=O ...it's HIM !!

nicks blog. random comments and stuff. enjoy =]

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


this is to document me getting 24th percentile for section 1 of umat practise thing. zomg how gay. that means 86 percent of everyone who did the thing got better than me. wtf. i got like 77th percentile and 75th for the others. maybe im just like.. not good today. didnt even seem that hard. jsut fckd up interpretation. when i got the answers i was like WTF BUT I CLICKED THAT ANSWER but obviously in my sleepy state i didnt.

okay its not like anyone cares but this is my blog. need to vent. and maybe ill get really good on umat and come back here and be like oh look i was so gay and stupid. or maybe i wont and ill come back and be like yeah fckn tell me something i didnt know.

thanks for reading. and you are still reading.

even now.

loser. =]


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