=O ...it's HIM !!

nicks blog. random comments and stuff. enjoy =]

Sunday, June 26, 2005

well that was quick.

hahaha im kinda over Tong Hua now. its only been like 2 days lol. i guess cause its a bit repetitive. its like the same verse over and over replacing one word each time. but anyway. now in love with a new song. haha.. 'wu ding' ahhhhhh beautiful. jay chou duet with landy win. also realllyyyy liking 'fen lie' by jay. ok so maybe im a little jay obsessed at the moment. NO IM NOT GAY (although if you ask my friends theyll tell you the opposite.. cause theyre such morons haha). just bought a cd on friday and found all these old songs ive never heard and im like gahhhh.

anyway. today woke up at 11.30 after sleeping at about 3am. thats not bad actually.. but last night i was feeling so groggy i was like.. lying on the ground in my room. but then i got up and started putting stuff back on my bookcase.. big makeover of my bookcase yesterday.. YAY. its like my display case so every now and then it all gets taken out and rearranged. gonna go and get something else to display cause its lookin a bit empty on top. dunno what yet. room needs to look a little different. walls too plain.

haah yesterday this old lady came into the pharmacy and was speaking mando to me and shes like 'tomorrow my granddaughter is coming to work here' and im like 'oh really.. whats her name'
lady: 'ellen chan' or sth like that
and then she proceeds to puff up her cheeks and make this arm movement which is hard to describe.. its like if you were constipated and trying to push your crap out. imagine that. and then imagine someone trying to impersonate it by clenching their fists together and holding their arms in front of their body. WELL thats what this old lady was doing. and then she raised her arm abover her head to show that her granddaughter was tall 'hen gao' she said *means very tall in mando*

SO this old lady was trying to tell me her granddaughter was a chubby tall girl thing. and im like *nodding* 'oh.' *laughing loudly on the inside*

currently feeling cold. fingers very cold. can hardly feel them as i type this. im thinking its a little better than summer cause its easier to warm up than to cool down. but anyway. must find out how to get to and from macrob social before asking (ahem. telling) my parents to go (that im going.)

cbf typing any more right now. too freakin cold. slept most of the day. other than that i ate. and listened to music. great start to holidays.

and now i bid you good night.

good night.


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