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Sunday, May 15, 2005

something to think about

have you ever just felt really alone? like so isolated.. so without anyones contact.. that you just want to sit there and cry? or that your friends dont think about you as much as you think about them.. or that theyre somewhere else doing something.. and youre not there to have fun with them?

sometimes you feel like this.. and it sucks balls mate. why does it have to hurt? why is life so damn freakin gay like that? sometimes you just feel like youre drifting further and further away from everyone.. and youre losing contact.. while the people you drift further away from are making contact with others.. which leaves just you. alone. floating away..

haiii.. maybe this is just the way i feel today.. well obviously it is.. haha.. i go through these stages from time to time.. as i think most people do.. from what ive been told anyway..

so have a think about that.. whoever you are reading this.. i dont know what youd really think about.. haha but yeah.. i just needed to get that off my chest.

thank you for reading.



  • At 9:38 PM, Blogger g. said…

    hey. it's guang here! long time no... communication. :P
    newayz, yeah, life always has its rough patches... when everything seems to goin wrong... but the funny thing is that just a few days later things can totally turn around... keep blogging.


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