=O ...it's HIM !!

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Friday, March 24, 2006


lolol saw this on a blog and i could not resist. this is JACKIE CHAN and his new sidekick CONDOM MAN!! who has stereotypical chinese eyes? haha anyway.. jackie chan is part of this campaign in cambodia (yeah thats the funny language you see at the bottom that you think looks like thai) to stop the spread of aids. there are lots of these community campaigns and above i have posted a few pictures that i took on my recent trip to the motherland. funny stuff =] i actually saw the tv ad with jackie chan in it here in australia of all places... it was this late night show about the un and the views youth around the world had about aids.. and jackies mouth was moving.. but a funny cambodian mans voice came out.

anyway. if youre wondering, the blue writing in cambodian says 'praeur srom anahmay krup pel velea dael neak roum phet'.

OH...haha that means 'use a condom everytime you roum phet' i think you know what roum phet is. its a nicer way of saying 'to do the sex' than 'joi' which im sure a lot of you naughty people would recognise as a khmer swear word. yeah and the red text says unite with each other in the battle against aids.

thank you jackie and condom man.


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