=O ...it's HIM !!

nicks blog. random comments and stuff. enjoy =]

Thursday, June 16, 2005

beautiful isnt it? and dont say no you smartass m'fers. this is one of the temple ruins of angkor, in northwestern cambodia. once upon a time the khmer empire ruled over thailand, laos, southern vietnam, eastern burma and as far north as south west china.. and angkor was the capital.. nowadays its a tourist attraction.. from the glory of empire to tourist attraction for fat white europeans. gahh. anyway its good for the economy so i cant complain =P

you may have seen it at the movies cause its where they filmed the tomb raider movie with angelina jolie. yes, mrs smith. haha SHES GOT A CAMBO BABY. she adopted a kid from a town near angkor and named him MADDOX. that is the weirdest name ive ever heard for a cambo kid. except maybe aaliyah but thats a pretty name =] so it cancels out the 'oddness'


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