lol whoever 'me' is in the comments of my last post it actually isnt me OMG FASCINATING WHO COULD IT BE your hypnotising worked. because i am now updating. how exciting.
i figured i should at least give you a post because you are my readers and i love you. lol. and its like a long time since i last updated. AND
this is the first post for the year TWO THOUSAND SEVEN. or twenty hundred and seven. or twenty oh-seven. i prefer the first one. however you say it, this is doi ek gai post ie. the first post for you non-teochiu people.
- people.
- pee pole
- peep-hole
i really dont know where that came from. actually i do. i was saying the word 'PEOPLE' in my head in a fobby asian accent and i was like pee-pouu.. PEE-pohhhhhhh and suddenly the other two words popped into my head. and i thought i should share it with you all because i am random and you love it. so deh you goh, pee poles.
now. what has been happening. ooooh yes. I AM BORED. need to go out and see people because i have not done so in a while. a long while. and im getting lazier and soon my muscles will start disintegrating into nothing because i am not using them oh my god i will disappear all together. thats what biology taught me. use it or lose it. its actually true.
anyway. um. been to sydney and back since my last post. good fun. will post couple of photos from the wedding next. ummmmerrrrrr.. want to go again for another uncles wedding in february. maybe stay for chinese new year.. havent had cny with my grandparents in like.. 10 years =( but i feel obliged to come back to melb because its basically my mum and me who do all the rituals and stuff at our house so if i dont come back WE WILL HAVE BAD LUCK FOR A WHOLE YEAR AIYAH. so maybe not. bc itll just be me going to sydney if i do go for this feb wedding. sister will be back at school. parents at work. hehe home alone oh yeahhhhhhh.
okay what else. i dont know. i sorry. watched 'army daze' again today. singaporean movie about national service if you DOHN KNOW WHAT. made me realise that my singlish is actually very crap. i sound more like lee lin chin than i do ah beng. like all i do is put on an accent and kinda speak normally just with a few words missing and dodgy vocab. and chuck in a few singlish words here and there. but WAHLAU MAN. these ah bengs talk like.. like.. WAHLAU MAN. like i dont understand what they say. like um. say again? ...again? aiyah TOK ING-LISH MAH.
yah okay. think its time to sign off for now. i now have over 4 hours of driving experience. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh. good innit.
see you next time ah.
goo nite ^^
i figured i should at least give you a post because you are my readers and i love you. lol. and its like a long time since i last updated. AND
this is the first post for the year TWO THOUSAND SEVEN. or twenty hundred and seven. or twenty oh-seven. i prefer the first one. however you say it, this is doi ek gai post ie. the first post for you non-teochiu people.
- people.
- pee pole
- peep-hole
i really dont know where that came from. actually i do. i was saying the word 'PEOPLE' in my head in a fobby asian accent and i was like pee-pouu.. PEE-pohhhhhhh and suddenly the other two words popped into my head. and i thought i should share it with you all because i am random and you love it. so deh you goh, pee poles.
now. what has been happening. ooooh yes. I AM BORED. need to go out and see people because i have not done so in a while. a long while. and im getting lazier and soon my muscles will start disintegrating into nothing because i am not using them oh my god i will disappear all together. thats what biology taught me. use it or lose it. its actually true.
anyway. um. been to sydney and back since my last post. good fun. will post couple of photos from the wedding next. ummmmerrrrrr.. want to go again for another uncles wedding in february. maybe stay for chinese new year.. havent had cny with my grandparents in like.. 10 years =( but i feel obliged to come back to melb because its basically my mum and me who do all the rituals and stuff at our house so if i dont come back WE WILL HAVE BAD LUCK FOR A WHOLE YEAR AIYAH. so maybe not. bc itll just be me going to sydney if i do go for this feb wedding. sister will be back at school. parents at work. hehe home alone oh yeahhhhhhh.
okay what else. i dont know. i sorry. watched 'army daze' again today. singaporean movie about national service if you DOHN KNOW WHAT. made me realise that my singlish is actually very crap. i sound more like lee lin chin than i do ah beng. like all i do is put on an accent and kinda speak normally just with a few words missing and dodgy vocab. and chuck in a few singlish words here and there. but WAHLAU MAN. these ah bengs talk like.. like.. WAHLAU MAN. like i dont understand what they say. like um. say again? ...again? aiyah TOK ING-LISH MAH.
yah okay. think its time to sign off for now. i now have over 4 hours of driving experience. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh. good innit.
see you next time ah.
goo nite ^^
At 6:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
lol you got me thinking of how i pronounce people XD
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