=O ...it's HIM !!

nicks blog. random comments and stuff. enjoy =]

Friday, September 09, 2005

update # 133 i think

havent blogged in a little while. well what is there to say. still under large amounts of stress although im not really feeling it. I should be. I should be running up and down pulling my hair out but im not. not right now anyway.

so. haven’t done much hw these last few days. been telling myself I would and I end up falling asleep and waking up at 2am. then I have a shower and go to sleep. hehe yes a shower at 2am before waking up at 6.30am and having another one. I know its crazy isn’t it. but I cant sleep feeling dirty. hohoho. like physically dirty. hahaha not the other kind.. okay.

um Wednesday night went to school production ‘my one and only’ oh yes. quite alright I think. I still want my 13 bucks back but that’s just me. was tired so only half paid attention. BA BADAP BA BADA. that tunes stuck in my head. the accents were so inconsistent. one word has an American twang and the next has an aussie one. that made it stupid. like they were expats or something. sif aussie expats in America in the 1920s. pfft. and that prince nicky guy. hes supposed to be from spain or whatever and his accent moves between Mexican and curry. BAHAHA. he was still hilarious though. but yeah. some parts were a bit boring. lots of tap dancing though. getting the girls hyped up over learning it. PLEASE. I got over it 13 years ago when I saw the latino guy and big bird tap dancing in sesame st.

when I got bored I ate my mini mooncake. hahaha. yum. shaped like HELLO KITTY. pineapple flavoured. mmmmm. yah.. what else. was supposed to do methods hw last night. fell asleep yet again. garh have to stop doing that.

OH. have to read a book for English assignment. apparently its about this ladys mum who was so ashamed of being aboriginal she told her kids they were CURRY. BAHAHAHAH. omg. the teacher said that and I was just like *he he he… BAHAHAHAHAHHAHA* and everyone was looking at me and im like what? sorry! but.. INDIAN!! BAHAHA!! hehe yeah that was funny. its just so ridiculously hilarious and it’s a true story too.

so anyway I guess that’s it. a recap of my boring life as usual. I feel like more slow songs. I feel like a slow dance. dunno why. just like a really slow dance to a nice ballad. perhaps my lady can come to me in my dreams again and we can dance together. beneath falling cherry blossoms and a full moon. oh here we go again lol. nick has gone into die hard romantic mode once again. *drifts away*


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