hehe stolen off guangs blog ! we havent spoken in ages guang. like.. 5 years? wow. anyway heres the lovely quiz thing that i found on g's blog.
[1] First grade teacher's name: Mrs Fricke (*Fricky* lol no joke)
[2] Last words you said: ask ms slocombe if shes got any yr 7 kids
[3] Last song you sang: 'why do birds suddenly appear..' (a very short duet with tien !!)
[4] Last person you hugged: mum. actually she hugged me =P
[5] Last thing you laughed at: FUTURAMA!!
[6] Last time you said I don't remember: I do not recall.
apparently there's no question 7.
[8] What are you listening to right now: sound of my keyboard
[9] What colour socks are you wearing: invisible colour.
[10] What's under your bed: carpet
[11] What time did you wake up today: 7.45am then I went back to sleep. got out of bed at 10.40
[12] Current taste: I just burped so umm. banana.
[13] Current hair: short. long side burns!!1percentagesign haha the days of the mushroom are long gone.
[14] Current clothes: poor green cargo pants, white chesty bonds ! oh and boxers =]
[15] Current annoyance: money. cant get enough.
[16] Current longing: to have more money
[17] Current desktop picture: some xp background called ‘peace’
[18] Current worry: vce scores on Monday GAH
[19] Current hate: people things. relationships can get so difficult you just want them to all go away. but you don’t. and then you get frustrated. shit.
[20] Current favourite article of clothing: jeans. singlet that fits properly.
[21] Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex: the batoks. lolol or maybe.. hair. or face !
[22] Last CD that you listened to: my sisters pussy cat dolls one
[23] Favourite place to be: in bed. with friends. my room.
[24] Least favourite place: somewhere where I don’t know anyone.
[25] Time you wake up in the morning: normally 6.30 – 6.45 now its holidays so between 11.30 and 2.30 LOL
[26] If you could play an instrument, what would you play: the Cambodian violin ! tro as its known. or the cambo xylophone yeahyeah that’s hot. I did play the saxophone for 3 years but I got bored.
[27] Favourite colour: Blue
[28] Do you believe in an afterlife: yes.. many afterlives
[29] How tall are you: 185 cm I think it was or 6 foot? I forget.
[30] Current favourite word/saying: I don’t think I have one now
[31] Favourite book: don’t have one now. nothing comes to mind cause I haven’t read in aaaages
[32] Favourite season: summer or autumn
[33] One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: me.
no question 34 either.
[35] Where do you want to go: everywhere
[36] What is your career going to be like: fulfilling
[37] How many kids do you want: 2. help me pick out their names ! English name, cambo name and a Chinese name hohoho
[38] What kind of car will you have: a roadworthy one
[have you ever...]
[39] Said "I love you" and meant it: yes
[40] Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: yeah. MAGPIE fckn bird. sif attack an 8 year old CHILD ON A BIKE.
[41] Been to L A: no
[42] Been to Florida: nay
[43] Been to California: ditto
[44] Been to Hawaii: running out of words for no
[45] Been to Las Vegas: nah.. I think we know where this quiz comes from now
[46] Been to China: YEAHYEAH last year. omg holidays with friends is indupitably fantasmagorical.
[47] Been to Canada: no
[48] Danced naked: no.
[49] Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: no
[50] Wanted to be the opposite sex: I think every guy dreams about it but wont admit it. you know what every guy would do if he were a woman for a day? go and get a mirror and a cucumber. you figure out the rest.
[51] Had an imaginary friend: nooooo
[52] Do you have a crush on someone: I don’t think you would call it that no
[53] What book are you reading now?: I will be reading some yr 12 text soon. romulus my father or the curious incident of the dog in the night time.
[54] Worst feeling in the world: sorrow
[55] What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: shiiiiit.
[56] How many rings before you answer: how ever long it takes for me to get to the phone. sometimes I don’t answer.
[57] Future daughter's name: Emily!! lol I have yet to decide on a nice cambo name for her. and I have ideas for Chinese name but I need the right combination.
[58] Future son's name: cube! wait that’s tiens son. Einstein, Pythagoras? haha jk I dunno. id like a nice non-bogan name. cambo name could be Sarak after a famous old school boxer. ditto for my daughters Chinese name
[59] Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no. do you sleep with a blow up doll?
[60] If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: gynaecologist specializing only in models. the guy that made that rubber suit for Jessica alba. Jessica alba’s masseuse =]
[61] Wish you were here: somewhere fun
[62] College plans: I am at college. stupid Americans. its called UNIVERSITY.
[63] Piercing: nope. my mum would get pissed and my dad would kill me. if my mum didn’t first.
[64] Do you do drugs: oh sure. all that demazin claratyne telfast shit. I remember that guy that sent an email to the whole school telling us how to extract codeine from panadeine tablets. lol his ass got busted bad.
[65] Do you smoke: nope. but im SMOKINNNN omg lame.
[66] Who are your best friends: that’s for me to know
no sixy seben
[68] What are you most scared of: rejection
[69] What clothes do you sleep in: birthday suit.. covered with boxers and tshirt
[70] Who is the last person that called you: my mum
[71] Where do you want to get married: at home
[72] If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: body shape and.. many other things
[73] Who do you really hate: again that’s for me to know
[74] Been In Love: yeah I think so. why bother? just bash your head repeatedly against a wall and itll hurt less.
[75] Are You Timely Or Always Late: timely. rarely tardy.
[76] Do You Have A Job: pharmacy boy
[77] Do You Like Being Around People: often.
[78] Best feeling in the world: good feeling.
[79] Are you for world peace: yeah I wish for someone to piss all over the world
[80] Are you a health freak: haha at the moment YES.
[81] Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: umm.. intelligent! asian. haha me no racist. just have preference. phuc dat bich.
[82] Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: yeah. but want can mean many things
[83] Are You Lonely Right Now: I guess not
[84] Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: yes. what if I find no one =[ ill end up like that primary school teacher who had breast cancer so she lost 1 tit and she lived with 100 farm animals. ITS BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T GET MARRIED GAHH.
[85] Do You Want To Get Married: see 84.
[86] Do You Want Kids: of course. didn’t you already ask me how many ? AND their names? stupid Americans.
[in the last 48 hours, have you...]
[87] Cried: no. I bet all the girls have. omg. girls.
[88] Bought Something: yes. that’s whats making me feel so tight about money.
[89] Gotten Sick: yeah my penis threw up all over my hand this morning. LOLjk
[90] Sang: in my head yes
[91] Said I Love You: yeah to that sexual guy in the mirror xD
[92] Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: yeah maybe
[93] Met Someone New: no you cant really call it that.
[94] Moved On: from..?
[95] Talked To Someone: yes.
[96] Had A Serious Talk: everything I say is serious.
[97] Missed Someone: all the time
[98] Hugged Someone: yeah
[99] Kissed Someone: no
[100] Fought With Your Parents: no
[101] Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: no
[102] Had a lot of sleep: YES. bless the holidays. HOLY DAYS IS WHAT THEY ARE. holy days for the tired. mmmm amen.
[1] First grade teacher's name: Mrs Fricke (*Fricky* lol no joke)
[2] Last words you said: ask ms slocombe if shes got any yr 7 kids
[3] Last song you sang: 'why do birds suddenly appear..' (a very short duet with tien !!)
[4] Last person you hugged: mum. actually she hugged me =P
[5] Last thing you laughed at: FUTURAMA!!
[6] Last time you said I don't remember: I do not recall.
apparently there's no question 7.
[8] What are you listening to right now: sound of my keyboard
[9] What colour socks are you wearing: invisible colour.
[10] What's under your bed: carpet
[11] What time did you wake up today: 7.45am then I went back to sleep. got out of bed at 10.40
[12] Current taste: I just burped so umm. banana.
[13] Current hair: short. long side burns!!1percentagesign haha the days of the mushroom are long gone.
[14] Current clothes: poor green cargo pants, white chesty bonds ! oh and boxers =]
[15] Current annoyance: money. cant get enough.
[16] Current longing: to have more money
[17] Current desktop picture: some xp background called ‘peace’
[18] Current worry: vce scores on Monday GAH
[19] Current hate: people things. relationships can get so difficult you just want them to all go away. but you don’t. and then you get frustrated. shit.
[20] Current favourite article of clothing: jeans. singlet that fits properly.
[21] Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex: the batoks. lolol or maybe.. hair. or face !
[22] Last CD that you listened to: my sisters pussy cat dolls one
[23] Favourite place to be: in bed. with friends. my room.
[24] Least favourite place: somewhere where I don’t know anyone.
[25] Time you wake up in the morning: normally 6.30 – 6.45 now its holidays so between 11.30 and 2.30 LOL
[26] If you could play an instrument, what would you play: the Cambodian violin ! tro as its known. or the cambo xylophone yeahyeah that’s hot. I did play the saxophone for 3 years but I got bored.
[27] Favourite colour: Blue
[28] Do you believe in an afterlife: yes.. many afterlives
[29] How tall are you: 185 cm I think it was or 6 foot? I forget.
[30] Current favourite word/saying: I don’t think I have one now
[31] Favourite book: don’t have one now. nothing comes to mind cause I haven’t read in aaaages
[32] Favourite season: summer or autumn
[33] One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: me.
no question 34 either.
[35] Where do you want to go: everywhere
[36] What is your career going to be like: fulfilling
[37] How many kids do you want: 2. help me pick out their names ! English name, cambo name and a Chinese name hohoho
[38] What kind of car will you have: a roadworthy one
[have you ever...]
[39] Said "I love you" and meant it: yes
[40] Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: yeah. MAGPIE fckn bird. sif attack an 8 year old CHILD ON A BIKE.
[41] Been to L A: no
[42] Been to Florida: nay
[43] Been to California: ditto
[44] Been to Hawaii: running out of words for no
[45] Been to Las Vegas: nah.. I think we know where this quiz comes from now
[46] Been to China: YEAHYEAH last year. omg holidays with friends is indupitably fantasmagorical.
[47] Been to Canada: no
[48] Danced naked: no.
[49] Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: no
[50] Wanted to be the opposite sex: I think every guy dreams about it but wont admit it. you know what every guy would do if he were a woman for a day? go and get a mirror and a cucumber. you figure out the rest.
[51] Had an imaginary friend: nooooo
[52] Do you have a crush on someone: I don’t think you would call it that no
[53] What book are you reading now?: I will be reading some yr 12 text soon. romulus my father or the curious incident of the dog in the night time.
[54] Worst feeling in the world: sorrow
[55] What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: shiiiiit.
[56] How many rings before you answer: how ever long it takes for me to get to the phone. sometimes I don’t answer.
[57] Future daughter's name: Emily!! lol I have yet to decide on a nice cambo name for her. and I have ideas for Chinese name but I need the right combination.
[58] Future son's name: cube! wait that’s tiens son. Einstein, Pythagoras? haha jk I dunno. id like a nice non-bogan name. cambo name could be Sarak after a famous old school boxer. ditto for my daughters Chinese name
[59] Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no. do you sleep with a blow up doll?
[60] If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: gynaecologist specializing only in models. the guy that made that rubber suit for Jessica alba. Jessica alba’s masseuse =]
[61] Wish you were here: somewhere fun
[62] College plans: I am at college. stupid Americans. its called UNIVERSITY.
[63] Piercing: nope. my mum would get pissed and my dad would kill me. if my mum didn’t first.
[64] Do you do drugs: oh sure. all that demazin claratyne telfast shit. I remember that guy that sent an email to the whole school telling us how to extract codeine from panadeine tablets. lol his ass got busted bad.
[65] Do you smoke: nope. but im SMOKINNNN omg lame.
[66] Who are your best friends: that’s for me to know
no sixy seben
[68] What are you most scared of: rejection
[69] What clothes do you sleep in: birthday suit.. covered with boxers and tshirt
[70] Who is the last person that called you: my mum
[71] Where do you want to get married: at home
[72] If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: body shape and.. many other things
[73] Who do you really hate: again that’s for me to know
[74] Been In Love: yeah I think so. why bother? just bash your head repeatedly against a wall and itll hurt less.
[75] Are You Timely Or Always Late: timely. rarely tardy.
[76] Do You Have A Job: pharmacy boy
[77] Do You Like Being Around People: often.
[78] Best feeling in the world: good feeling.
[79] Are you for world peace: yeah I wish for someone to piss all over the world
[80] Are you a health freak: haha at the moment YES.
[81] Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: umm.. intelligent! asian. haha me no racist. just have preference. phuc dat bich.
[82] Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: yeah. but want can mean many things
[83] Are You Lonely Right Now: I guess not
[84] Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: yes. what if I find no one =[ ill end up like that primary school teacher who had breast cancer so she lost 1 tit and she lived with 100 farm animals. ITS BECAUSE SHE DIDN’T GET MARRIED GAHH.
[85] Do You Want To Get Married: see 84.
[86] Do You Want Kids: of course. didn’t you already ask me how many ? AND their names? stupid Americans.
[in the last 48 hours, have you...]
[87] Cried: no. I bet all the girls have. omg. girls.
[88] Bought Something: yes. that’s whats making me feel so tight about money.
[89] Gotten Sick: yeah my penis threw up all over my hand this morning. LOLjk
[90] Sang: in my head yes
[91] Said I Love You: yeah to that sexual guy in the mirror xD
[92] Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: yeah maybe
[93] Met Someone New: no you cant really call it that.
[94] Moved On: from..?
[95] Talked To Someone: yes.
[96] Had A Serious Talk: everything I say is serious.
[97] Missed Someone: all the time
[98] Hugged Someone: yeah
[99] Kissed Someone: no
[100] Fought With Your Parents: no
[101] Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: no
[102] Had a lot of sleep: YES. bless the holidays. HOLY DAYS IS WHAT THEY ARE. holy days for the tired. mmmm amen.
At 7:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
holy shit
[23] Favourite place to be: in bed. with friends. my room.
bahaha i was like omfg im friends with a FREAK who sleeps with his friends in his room lol hahaha.
but alas i noticed the dots in between each statement =D
well done
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