well then.. this morning it was raining and my dad dropped me off at school. but he didnt stop in the car park.. he just stopped by the side of the road near the crossing.. which of course is illegal and luckily the psycopathic curry lollipop man wasnt there cause otherwise our car would have been bashed by his sign, we would have been verbally abused with his strong accent and he would have called the police on his red nokia. he told jimmys mum that the govt. gave him this job so he wouldnt go insane. omg. im scared now. fcking retard.
anyway.. instead, it was mr popov, the school handy man who told me off. haha i was looking at him putting up the 'children crossing' sign as my dad pulled over and i was like oh shit oh shit hes gonna tell us off isnt he. but it was too late. my dad already stopped. so i got out of the car and mr popov, who lives in a shed at school according to popular belief, and eats cats off the roof, and sometimes lives in the cupboard under the stairs at the back of the sci-tech centre.. anyway he was just lke *tell your parent not to drop you off there anymore.. its DANGEROUS and theres a ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR FINE* and so I was like *ok* then I run away. hahaha
stupid popov. what a fitting name too.. poPOV. hes such an angry man sometimes.. I remember once he was swearing at steve the canteen owner.. calling him a fat wog and shit.. HHAHAAH that was HILARIOUS. then another time I saw popov trying to talk to steve and steve was just like, in his thick greek aussie accent *FUCK OFF* and he kept saying it again and again hahaha school politics rocks my jocks.
anyway I cant remember much that happened at school today.. except that ruth told me carbohydrates make you angry. so I was just yelling at people telling them to stop eating potatoes. and then I was pointing at winnie eating her lasagne going STOP!! CARBOHYDRATES MAKE YOU ANGRY. then I pointed at Andrews sandwich and did the same thing. I think they make you angry cause they make you fat. unless you want to get fat. like chris. damn good metabolism chris.
oh yeah!! in general amanda was drawing pics of stuff.. shes so damn good!! and she drew a pic of our curry student teacher MRS VADDI. hahaha 'inwerse wariation wariation wariation okay okay okay?' omg shes so ANNOYING. then we were pissing ourselves over her accent. OMG HHAHA mr crosby didnt know who was away so i yelled out *WHOS MISSING TODAY? come on... someones gotta have a friend not here.. HAS SOMEONE GOT A FRIEND WHO ISNT HERE?* and then vaddi is just liek *yes.* then continues with the lesson. HAHA RANDOM.
then after school at the glen kath, me, tien and lisa were at kfc and we saw jimmy and he was like hey want some chips and were like why? and we find out it was because this curry guy working at kfc just gave them to jimmy for free. hahaha LARGE CHIPS TOO. jimmy told him and the guys like ‘nah don’t worry about it’ so jimmy gets free large chips at no extra cost. oh yeahhh. and so I go and order a snacker and tien comes with me with the large chips and all of a sudden hes like *you know if you don’t like those chips I can get you new ones* and tiens like *..ok… I don’t like these ones.* hahaahha so we got NEW free chips. ah what a nice guY!! I thought he was trying to get fired.. but he just started.. we were talking to him and stuff and I remembered he went to our school last yr. must have sounded like a random getting off the bus today cause the driver closed the door and i was like WAIT WAIT and then he didnt open it so i was like OPEN THE BACK DOOR PLEASSSSSSE in my retard voice and when it opened i jumped out yelling THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU hahaah.. ah well my friends were on the bus so i guess not EVERYONE thought i was a retard. =]
anyway Emily just told me that I smell and that she rocks my jocks. and then she went off. well. if you are implying that I smell GOOD.. then that sentence makes sense. thank you lady Emily.
till next time,
gnite ya’ll. |
At 12:05 AM,
mo0s3 said…
hahaha steve...is that boris?
and the curry guy is still there?
At 8:23 PM,
-nick said…
oooh strawberries and roses.. how very feminine. but i guess better than smelling of socks and jocks =]
YES BELAL. haha steve is boris!! and crazy curry man will be there as long as he is alive i expect. still chasing after cars with his sign when he's 80 *PLEASE DERE ARE CHEELDRRREN CROSSING HERE! THINK OF THE CHEELDREN PLEASE THANK YOU YOU CRAZY DRIWERS*
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