=O ...it's HIM !!

nicks blog. random comments and stuff. enjoy =]

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

the return

got back from yr 12 camp thing this afternoon. pretty good i must say. but ate too much. way too freakin much. like they give you enough food already and we still eat all our own junk food between meals lol. and lots of cups of tea and coffee. mmmm.

discovery: aussie porridge tastes like cardboard. stick to eating rice porridge.

fckn duty groups who loaded the buses left my backpack there. at phillip island. bloody wtf. like it was with all the other bloody bags. ARE YOU TOO STUPID TO SEE AH? aiyah so ma fan. and they lost sherrys bag. how do you think it feels for people when they get back to school and discover that their bags have been lost? fckn NOOBS. apparently my bag has been found at the camp. must call joyce or carol or huong or someone and confirm that its mine. if its not omg the school shall get me another sleeping bag and another blue-and-silver-fake-adidas backpack from china.

that lecturer guy with the study tips and stuff from last yr came back again and he wasnt as interesting this time. sherry, agnes and i were up the back.. me and sherry trying to remember how to write taiwanese pinyin so agnes could learn lol. bo po mo fo. de te ne le. ge ke he. we got them all.. after forgetting about one for like half an hour *WTF IS IT?* haha

anyway i have a lot of hw to do. that camp was supposed to motivate us to do it and stuff. and it taught us some relaxation techniques. those must be pretty effective because everyone fell asleep. LOL but we all seemed to wake up when the lady stopped talking. SUB CONSCIOUS LISTENING OOOOOOOOOH.

okay enough. good night all =]

Sunday, February 05, 2006


that is like a really cambo sound. lol. still kinda in the cambo mood after returning to australia for about a week now. i misssssss it. like some parts i dont miss. but some parts i do. being able to speak khmer everywhere. all the signs are written in khmer. everything is khmer khmer khmer. and you come here and everything is english and youre like hmm. different innit.

anyway. i was making a blog about my holiday yesterday and it was like info-tainment like how i tell you things (INFO) and then its funny at the same time (-TAINMENT) and therefore you learn something and have fun at the same time. AMAZING, IS IT NOT?

lol ok but then my pc crashed and i was like FCK JOI MAE MOTHERFCKR HELL DAMN CRAP. so now ive decided ill make a holiday cambodia blog like john low that smart smart boy. ill do that in a week or so after camp when i have those few days free =]

so yep cambodia was fckn awesome. did heaps. but not enough time to do everything i wanted. theres always next time.. we said 2 years is the minimum before we go back.. lol probably longer i reckon. its taken my parents a combined total of 60 years just to return for the first time since leaving. LOL ok i think ill go back before that long.

yeah this is just a little blog to tell you my darlins about what ive been thinking. and stuff thats been going on. first week of yr 12 was pretty okay i guess. quite a bit of hw though. but i will survive. i will survive. so thats about it for now.. look out for my cambodia blog COMING SOON TO BLOGGER DOT COM =]