=O ...it's HIM !!

nicks blog. random comments and stuff. enjoy =]

Saturday, May 28, 2005

study study study

well its not what im doing now.. but yeah. just taking a break from my studying. its been english all dayy.. getting sick of the longest memory and all these niggers and plantation owners. gah.

did you ever think that all this analysis of books really doesnt serve a purpose at all? *oh, the significance of him going to the toilet represents our modern society's need to cleanse ourselves of the daily happenings which we believe are shit* i mean wth. okay so maybe that comment didnt make sense but then again i DID just pull it from out of my ass (no pun intended). and yeah.. do you ever think that MAYBE the author never even THOUGHT about what the hell theyre writing? MAYBE every single freakin WORD doesnt have some sort of damn mystical ooga booga meaning behind it?

its just all an invention of english teachers isnt it? just so they have something to do and something to teach. hahaha.. 'english'. the art of bullshitting and calling it an *analytical essay* =P jk.. cause actually english is one of the only subjects i consistently do well in.. so at least its good for something. and of course, since i do well in it, you know that im a good bullshitter. just like a lawyer ! gahaha.

anyway.. must get back to my studies, DEARIES

ta TA!



haha i havent even seen this movie.. but it looks soo.. sad.. and happy.. and.. wet.

You scored as The Notebook. You have strong, passionate love like the notebook!

The Notebook


A Cinderella Story


Charlies Angels


Mean Girls


Legally Blonde


What Chick Flick is just like Your Life?
created with QuizFarm.com

Thursday, May 26, 2005

what type of lesbian are you? BAHAHA

You scored as The Vaginal-Reference-Making Dyke.
You are the lesbian who can connect your vagina to nearly every object in the entire universe, creative and a little creepy you always astonish your friends. GAHAHAH

The Vaginal-Reference-Making Dyke


The Sprightly Elfin Femme


The Pretty-Boi Dyke


The Surprise! Dyke


The Student Dyke


The Magic Earring Ken Dyke


The Quasi-Gothic Femme


The Granola Dyke


The Stud


The Femme Fatale


The Hipster Dyke


The Little-Boy Dyke


The Bohemian Dyke


What Type of Lesbian Are You? (Inspired by Curve Mag.)
created with QuizFarm.com

which religion is the right one for you?

hahaha yay! i am already buddhist.. next im a JEW and a PAGAN hahahah and i am more satanic than christian or muslim.. haha oh dear.

You scored as Buddhism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Buddhism. Do more research on Buddhism and possibly consider becoming Buddhist, if you are not already.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com

jay chou

ahhh.. im in love with Dong Feng Po all over again..maybe it has something to do with being the first jay chou song i ever heard.. but gahhhhh.. its so damnn freakin NICE =] so sad.. melancholy.. and poetic.. omg my favourite type of song =P its just playing on my comp right now.. over and over and over..

cant put the lyrics on here dammit.. without it looking like

dammit.. but anyway.. it doesnt really make sense if you translate it into english.. (for one thing the name translates to easter broken wind) its one of those things that sounds so much better without translation.. cause the meaning is lost when its in english haha.. stupid english. what is it? ENGLISH is a language made by some people on a small island in the north of the world.. mixing DEAD languages together to make a new one. haha so english is an ancient corpse mix in the form of a language. and yes, i realise the irony of me using english to write this. ahhah.. its just a joke okay.

anyway.. gah ! dong feng po just started again.. sighhhh,, i think im in love. =]



Wednesday, May 25, 2005


evenin ya'll..hmmm.. general maths really is gay. haha i think i failed analysis today.. >=[ ah well.. hopefully ill pass ? even though i failed. hahaha ok a bit random there. yes anyway..

john travers photography lost our DEB PHOTOS. wtfffffffffffffff. none of tien lisa or me. AND YOU FREAKIN KNOW WHY? they had a fckin "CORRUPTED DISK" pfffft. what kind of a lameass excuse is THAT. you lost our memories you retards. when do we get to dress up and take photos like that again ? gahhhhh. they lost amanda's family photos as well. fckers. bullshit corrupted disk mthrfckers. DO NOT HIRE THESE PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY WILL LOSE YOUR PHOTOS AND BLAME IT ON TECHNOLOGY. geeezz.

ok vented my anger against these people. now its time to go study for methods analysis. shite.

good night.

and remember, burn the children. bAHAHAHA =]

Sunday, May 22, 2005


check out this link


as the name suggests.. ITS HILARIOUS! hahaha.. no its not porn ! .. if you enjoy stupid, random, gay, lame things.. then this is a site for YOU. hahha.. ok some of them arent so funny.. but some just made me laugh for aaaagessss.. just wait for all the pictures to load.. I DARE YOU NOT TO LAUGH. it makes it funnier if you imagine this sound every time you look at a picture *RRRR* like a retarded, weird grunt. GRUNT. *RRR*

well hello there..

aghhh.. i said to myself.. and to kathleen.. that i would STUDY this weekend. and what did i dO? noooooooooooooooo.. i didnt study. i feel really guilty now. i did more eating than studying.. and more sleeping too. AND A WEEK BEFORE EXAMS. holy fck. dammity crap hell dang shite fart. i need a damn good kick up the pants. hahaha.. SOMEONE KICK ME. no actually dont. im afraid you might get too carried away. haha..

anyway.. happened to see COXYS BIG BREAK on channel 7 this afternoon.. not that im a regular viewer.. hahah.. anyway.. they were talking about multiculturalism and this lady went to springvale.. hahah it looks a lot cleaner on tv! cause they dont show you the ground.. ahaah.. anyway.. theres some chinese lady who does walking tours for 55 bucks. PER PERSON. 55 FREAKIN BUCKS DAMMIT. MAN I COULD MAKE A BLOODY FORTUNE DOING THAT. and lunch is included. and what is lunch? a bowl of pho and some spring rolls and maybe a few other dishes. BUT 55 BUCKS. OMFG. im gonna become a springvale tour guide man.. ill be rollin in it.. hahahaha.. all you do is go to the shops and tell the lovely white people what those funny smelly dried things in packets are.. *thats for soup*.. *thats for medicine*.. *thats a dogs penis* HHAHA.. yeah ok .. so now we know nicks future career.. springy tour guide.. yay!

and yeah.. thats it for today.. i think i better go do some study now.. to ease my guilty conscience a little bit.. hehe



Saturday, May 21, 2005

im a spy

yes.. i was asked to go and look at the prices of certain over the counter medicines.. on behalf of the pharmacy i work for.. ahaha.. i AM A MEDICINE SPY. oH yeah. cause apparently THEY sent a spy to OUR pharmacy before.. or sth like that.. haha or was it some guy said to us 'whats your best price on medicine x?' so we say 7.95.. then he goes to the other pharmacy and gets it for 7.50 and comes back and tells us shit like 'Oh its cheaper over there' blah di blah di blah.. and its like omfg you stingy asians. 50 cents.

ok true, *eef joo goh to wan shop an joo sabe fibty sen AND DEN joo goh too AYNAHDER shop an joo sabe AYNAHDER fibty sen DEN JOO HAB WAN DOUGH-LAR! DEN JOO GOH THOO DA WAN DOUGH-LAR STORE AN JOO BUY SOMESING.. BE A MAN* hahaah.. but geez.. seriously.. 50 cents isnt THAT much is it? and besides our pharmacy sells a lot of things cheaper.. you get demazin 18 tabs for 6.95. near my house it costs freakin 9 bucks. GAH. but i must say.. the other pharmacy has hotter staff.. HAHAHA.. lots of girls. younger girls. yes. anyway..

too tired.. i fell asleep at about 6 and woke up at 10.45.. agh. yall should see MAH HAIR.. its like.. boofed up.. on each side.. but the middle is flat.. so it looks like i have dog ears or sth.. eww.. hahah.. .anyway.. i shall update later

wan an


Friday, May 20, 2005


today, i think, is the last day of freedom for about two weeks. the end is here. really it should have come last week.. or even better the week before.. because that way by now i would have been an expert in my semester 1 yr 11 subjects. but unfortunately no. because of my lazy ass sleep-loving nature i have thrust myself into this situation where i have about 7 exams to prepare for and a week to do so. hurrah. nice one, nick. this ALWAYS happens. hahaha i say i wont do it again. and then i do. aghhhh.

oh well. ill just keep praying. and buying lucky charms. hahaah.. and doing GOOD things. yep yep yep. because we all know about karma dont we children? when you do good things, good things will happen to you. so if im super nice and holy for the next two weeks.. hopefully my exam results will turn out good. the alternative is i could study and get good marks. hahaha but sif thats gonna happen =P i guess ill use a combination of studying and praying for miracles.

SO living a holy life for the next two weeks.. should i become vegetarian? HAHAHa no. i guess it could also mean no masturbation. BAHAHAHA.. i can do that. and no tv? dont watch that much tv anymore anyway so i guess that ones ok.. no net? NO. neverrrrrrrrrr.. im a net junkie.

hahaah.. anyway.. good luck in exams everyone ! study hard children. bring honour to your family name so that your parents and grandparents will have something to boast about at the next family gathering. hahaha =]



Thursday, May 19, 2005

john travers photography is gay

or whatever the hell their name is.. how gay mate. they say photos will come 2 weeks after the deb.. and now its been almost 3 weeks and they come today. ok so thats not the worst part. the bloody group photos didnt come. well they did.. but not the ones with meeeeee!! theres all these other peoples photos.. and none with me in them.. and most of the saturday deb group photos are missing as well .. apparently some mix up.. and apparently some photos were LOST. wtf. better not have lost MINE JOHN TRAVERS PHOTOGRAPHY. or im gonna go burn your studio down. hahaha.. dammit. those photos better come soon. haha then they come tomorrow. THEY BETTER COME. grrrrrr. not happy JOHN.

what to name my kids

yes.. well this is a very random topic isnt it? VERY RANDOM INDEED. i dont know why i thought about this.. this is assuming that i will even have kids.. of course i will! once i find my hot fine ass intelligent clever crazy sexy cool wife.. hahaha..

anyway.. when i DO have them, what will they be called? discussed it with joyce a couple of times.. and we're gonna give our kids (no not me and joyce together) english names with chinese middle names.. oh waitt.. maybe i wont now.. i dunno.. maybe i should give my kids a cambo middle name instead.. and they can have a chinese name too.. and an english school name. hahaha.. crap.

because you SEE i have an english name.. cambo middle name.. chinese *home* name.. and my recently added chinese *school* name.. so thats 4 names for me already = so my problem is what will happen to my kids? i guess ill give them three names.. english cambo and chinese.. but WHAT will the names bE?

ive thought about that ALOT. theres so many names.. but as soon as you think of one.. it reminds you of someone you dont like.. or theres something bad connected to that name.. so gay. like theres someone with a nice name but you dont like them.. so everytime you call your kid its like *NICE NAME!* and then you get a mental image of the person you hate *GAHHh* and your kids like wtf dad. hahaah

so anyway.. theres my random ramblings for another day. gnite. and remember - cat piss glows under a black light. =]

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

so sleepy

ahhhhhh... eyes so heavy mate. feeling really tired and cbf doing surface chemistry project. the only reason they make us do this freakin project is because the damn teachers are to damn lazy to teach surface chemistry cause it such a damn freakin boring ass topic. so you do the project, get the mark and KACHING KACHING surface chem is done. well thats my theory anyway. ahah and then later we spend a term on surface chem *gaH* hahaha

anyway.. had my chinese oral sac today.. was so damn nervous.. haha and i was supposed to go before danielle but she went before me ! thanks danielle =) haha but i still had to do it.. even if i was last (for today). i dont think i did too badly.. missed using some cool ass vocab i had planned.. dammit.. and ms chan said some parts werent logical (*y friends dad is rich so he can lend you money.. even if you dont know him* hahaah) but yeah i asked what mark i got and shes like what do YOU think you deserve? out of 20. and im like. umm (thinking 20 thinking 20 thinking 20) *..18?* and shes like yeah.. 18s a good mark. and thats it. so i think thats what i got ! yay. 18 out of 20 is not bad for a conversation oral..

and yes that was the hardest part of my day.. bio presentation was easy.. i think people enjoyed my little scribbling thing that i did on the ppt.. haha.. after school (finished at 12.. god bless open night) went to purple stone with tien lisa allan duy kathleen joyce william.. other people dropped by.. good food there.. YA'LL SHOULD TRY IT ONE DAY.. spicy chicken spaghetti is good mate.. and asian flavoured ice creams.. mmm.. durian lychee red bean green tea.. mmmmm.. and deep fried sweet potato.. mmmm.. hahaha ok enough. then went to allans house after.. the plan was to do hw there.. but just ended up mucking around. I KEPT KILLING KATHLEEN AHAHAH.. i think it was halo 2? it was on xbox anyway.. and it was 2 player and we were just walking around trying to kill each other.. haha and i kept killing her.. hehehe she got so pissed.. i ended up getting bashed with an xbox controller.. hahaah

yeah ALLANS HOUSE IS DEPRESSING. hahaah.. anyway.. after leaving allans house (went into his living and saw a curry playing xbox and im like.. you werent there before. (allans brothers friend - duh nick.) yeahhhh.. then went to glen followed by chem tutoring.. yay.

so tired now. and still mgm test to study for.. gahhhhhh

OK finish time ah now. good niteeeee !


Sunday, May 15, 2005

something to think about

have you ever just felt really alone? like so isolated.. so without anyones contact.. that you just want to sit there and cry? or that your friends dont think about you as much as you think about them.. or that theyre somewhere else doing something.. and youre not there to have fun with them?

sometimes you feel like this.. and it sucks balls mate. why does it have to hurt? why is life so damn freakin gay like that? sometimes you just feel like youre drifting further and further away from everyone.. and youre losing contact.. while the people you drift further away from are making contact with others.. which leaves just you. alone. floating away..

haiii.. maybe this is just the way i feel today.. well obviously it is.. haha.. i go through these stages from time to time.. as i think most people do.. from what ive been told anyway..

so have a think about that.. whoever you are reading this.. i dont know what youd really think about.. haha but yeah.. i just needed to get that off my chest.

thank you for reading.


Saturday, May 14, 2005


!! was my last update really 5 days ago?! REALLY? aiyahh.. so lazy ah me! haha i probably would have updated it last night.. had i not gone to sleep at 6pm and woke up at 7.30am this morning.. hahah.. well that was a pretty long sleep.. =P

it was tiens bday yesterday *HAPPY BIRTHDAY* and we went to pancake parlour. *lovely.* hahaah i ate cottage fries.. mmm tasty. hehe yeah that was fun.. omg the pictures that were taken.. haha ask KATHLEEN AND GRACE ABOUT THEIR SPECIAL PICTURE. i took that picture.. man i got skills. hahaahah i dont think i got any pictures with the birthday girl though? aww// ill have to check.. but if i didnt then aww. and right now shes receiving one of her presents.. a DATE with and ANONYMOUS (ahem) guy. haha sif anonymous. *my names anonymous!* yay. ok another random comment which just flew out of my ass..

anyway.. have another crapload of work to do.. mam applications test. AIYAH. so scary ma. CHINESE ORAL. aiyah. also scary la. ahhhhhhh why my life so scary ah maaaaa.. like ghost always near me or what? aiyah go awayy la please. can or cannot meh?

hahahah.. good night for now ladies. and fellas.


Monday, May 09, 2005

you should let me love you...

let me be the one to
give you everything you want and need..

hahaha this guys dance moves are a little gay in the video clip.. but hey the songs stuck in my head.. what can i do? plus it was on my sisters wedding photos dvd.. so yeah. baby good love and protection.. ok ill stop =P

tiens bday on FRIDAY. and shes trying to guess whats happening.. my lips are sealed mate. its not a SURPRISE if the SURPRISEE knows what the SURPRISER is DOING. IS IT? heheh.. no sir, its not sir.

ok.. and what do you know? yesterday i said grandmas cousins husband likes me.. and when he leaves our house last night hes like telling me to continue studying chinese and stuff.. hahaa and then hes like *wo hen xi huan ni* HAHAHA WOOT!! old gangster LIKES ME. *victory dance* *thrusting hips and pumping fists into air* hahaha nick is building up his connections. oh yeah. im gonna be connected to all the gangsters of old china and cambodia hahaha..

yep well anyway.. thought i got 29 out of 27 for my methods test.. yes 107% hahaha i thought it was supposed to be 27/29.. thought the teacher typed it wrong.. checked again when i got home.. it was wrong! except it wasnt supposed to be 29/27.. it was supposed to be 19 =[ fck. stupid gruber. why have such fat fingers for? so fat you push '2' when you want '1' grrrr

ah well.. till next time


Sunday, May 08, 2005

easy like a sunday morning//

ok.. so maybe my sunday morning wasnt that easy.. i woke up feeling cold. i dont like that. and last night i told myself 'youve got a shitload of work to get through nick. SO DO IT GODAMMIT YOU LAZY MTHRFCKER.' and what did i do? wasted my day.. and get stuck with the same shitload. hahaha.. but oh well.. kinda working my way through it now.. shovellin the shit. and yes. now im kinda wasting my time even more arent i? but who cares.. im relieving my boredom.. and soon (yeah its like 9.10pm..) we got visitors coming from america.. grandmas cousin and husband.. i think. i forgot exactly how theyre related.. sth like that anyway hahaha..

apparently the husband likes me a lot cause i can speak mandarin to him.. haha.. i was talking to him at my sisters wedding and hes like using all these proverbs in his sentences..like how if i drink the sour wine now (which is a metaphor for learning chinese now) then i will drink the sweet wine in my future (which is getting stinkin rich cause i got all the connections just because i know chinese haahah) and how if i drink the sweet wine now (dont study chinese) then i will drink the sour wine in the future (cause ill be a poor bastard living in a box just because i DONt know chinese) HHAHA when i heard that i was like woAh this guy is HC mate. then my grandpa tells me he came to cambodia from china when he was 14 and im like oh. apparently hes like a gangster leader man or sth. hahaha hes got connections all over the damn world.. geez. something with my family and gangster people like this. hahaah all the old men are like fully connected... like my other uncle in sydney.. hes like an old time business man.. that everyone knows hahahh.. and the weird thing is.. these old gangsters SPEAK CHINESE. haha for like 99% of the time anyway..

damn.. maybe i should continue drinking my sour wine ay? i wanna drink the sweet wine and become a rich old gangster man like my uncles.. hahaahah =]

Saturday, May 07, 2005


omg feeling so fckedddd over.. i dont think ive gotten over last weeks events.. havent had the chance to catch up on all the lost sleep. im just a walking dead man thats what i am. going to school. getting work. staying up to finish it. not sleeping. that has been my week. haha well actually yesterday i came home and slept at like 5pm and woke up and realised it was 2am. hahahaha and i was like oh. well. lets get sth to eaT! haha so i ate... watched some fantastic promotional ads for an ab machine (omg by the end i wanted one. hahaha BRAINWASHING) and then i went back to sleep. hehe

but seriously.. i still feel freakn tired. i dunno why. and i got a shitload of work to do as well. annd yes i know i said id put up deb photos. and wedding photos. but right now im still feeling too shit to do anything as complicated as that. so. again i make the promise that i shall post photos. just. later.

and now i bid you all bonsoir

good night


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

im backkkkkkk

just a quick post to say that i got back last nite.. and was so fcked over i went to bed at 10.30 hahaha.. will post pics of deb and wedding up later.. omg deb was so FUN! no professional photos for another two weeks.. aww man.. and yes. very proud feeling seeing tien and lisa *walking down the aisle* hahaha.. anyway wedding was fun too.. but damn tiring.. came home from the reception and slept from 1am till 12noon.. straight. actually thats not the longest ive ever slept.. but probably the most ive been knocked out..for a while anyway. did that make sense? doesnt matter.. hahah anyway have to go and do hW..... aghhhh.. stupid chem test tomorrow =[ help.