=O ...it's HIM !!

nicks blog. random comments and stuff. enjoy =]

Monday, October 31, 2005

what lovely weather we are having

yes. you cannot disagree with me there. unless of course you hate nice weather in which case youre stupid. went to tuition this morning and finished at 12. went to get lunch from fat key. haha ok thats the chinese name... now i see why they called it glen waverley bbq restaurant instead. theres no nice way to romanise it. faht key. faht gei? fart kee. lol. yes cha siu rice is good.

sitting at the station noticing that they didnt give me a fork when i thought : hmmm.. LOVELY WEATHER. grandpa nick saying #1. but really. today the weather is really lov.. nice. very very nice indeed. felt like sitting under a treee and talking all afternoon. not to myself of course. but anyway i just ended up coming home and eating my rice hohoho.

bludged for ages. then started doing bio sac. due wednesday. dastardly. grandpa nick word #2. on my waaaay to the computer i saw one of my sisters girlfriend magazines. HOW TO MASTURBATE. saw that on one a while ago. thought to myself: that is completely inappropriate for the age demographic of that magazine. grandpa nick saying #3. i have a right mind to write a letter to those women. haha no i didnt think that. not thaaaaaaat old.

now blogging to procrastinate. dont want to do bio thing. i was really pumped to do it for like 2 minutes when i found this gold mine of info and then i lost that feeling lol. now im here. my thoughts turn to food. too many carbs these past few days. grr. its like 6.17pm already freakin daylight savings. thank you so much farmers.

one more day left of long weekend. MUST STUDY UP DAMN HELL CRAP. exams so close and studying.. so far behind. all these sites about birht control stored in my favourites. lol what will my family think. ITS FOR BIO OKAY.

noooo what are you thinking ah? birth control ? DONT DO ANYTHING STUPID SON. youll ruin your future.

okay recent developments since i started typing this shit:

mother: NICK! LOOK AT YOUR SISTERS TOp. HAVE you seen it? its covered with *KMAOICH* (ghosts)!

nick: what? you mean like.. ghosts? or skulls?

sister from her room: skulls

mother: what do you call it? skull?

nick: yeah.

mother: ohh.. covered in SKULLs!! .....................but in nice colours. i like them.

nick: mm hmm. yes once again another random comment from my mother. first its weird because its got ghosts on it then its nice because of the pretty colours. hahaha what is learned from this : mum is awesome.

RANDOM COMMENT #2 from mother

oooooooh is pa cooking? what are you cooking pa?

dad: said something i didnt hear

mother: is there any bai? did you dam bai yet? (cook rice yet?)

dad: no..

mother: HAH! you cant cook without having rice! THIS IS CALLED THE MANS COOKING.

nick: tee hee *the mans cooking*

okay enough bullshit for now. or as my chinese tutor says *bull-shit-uh* lol. time to get back to biooooooooooo. oh! hello female reproductive system...

Friday, October 28, 2005

the week in review

you know every day that i didnt blog this week there was something i wanted to blog about. and i kept telling myself id write them down. but i didnt. and now im here trying to recollect all of the wonderfully random and pointless things that i wanted to tell the world about.

gahhhhh. lesson - write down things.

anyway. tuesday. english teacher was sitting at the back of the class to mark our oral presentations. kids sitting around her. steph mu comes in and doesnt see teachers books on the desk. *pumps fist in air and smiles* YES SHES NOT HERE!! *sees teacher directly in front of her* OH. UMM> ha. ha. JUST KIDDING. *sits down* lolol fully wreckkkked maaate.

learning about reproduction in biology. always an interesting subject. sperm. egg. vagina. penis. did you know that in EACH TESTE, yes IN EACH BALL there is about 500 metres of tubing where sperm are made. SO THERES A KILOMETRE OF TUBES IN MY BALLS. which produce the 400 FREAKIN MILLION SPERM that come out with each ejaculation. hohoho BOOYAH 400 million. theoretically i could impregnate all the women of australia 40 times each. bahaha but whod want to do that. ok. and.. umm. OH. MORNING GLORY. also known as the erection that boys wake up with each morning.. that is a mechanism to stop us peeing while we sleep. because the urethra is closed off or something. INTERESTING AINT IT.

mr doyle: so yeah it stops men urinating at night
danielle: *how convenient*
nick: BHAHAH

danielle sent me a picture of snake penises. omffffffg i was like WHAT THE HOLY FCK. SNAKES HAVE TWO PENISES?!? oooooooooohmylord. she took a photo in thailand not knowing what it was. um.. they were. i wont post it on here cause its grotty. THEN SHE TOUCHED IT. BAHAHAH!! aww poor innocent danielle. how could you NOT know. looks like a boys.. but smaller. and theres 2. omfg i cant get over that. apparently it only uses one though. pffft. talk about a waste of resources.

what else..... formal coming up!!! issues with tables lol. but its all sorted now. praise heaven. okay forgot what else happened.

EXCEPT ONE MORE THING TODAY ooooooooohme oh my. waiting for bus at the station after tuition. and there she was just a walking PAST me. a sexy sexy asian girl. wowwww. like she was a NAUGHTY GIRL. NAUGHTY NAUGHTY. but omg i was like straining out of the corner of my eye to look. lolol. and glancing smoothly so she wouldnt notice. but of course shes gonna fckn notice. its what she WANTS. short white shorts. thin yellow top. plunging neck line. no bra. yes, i could tell. and she jingled when she walked. ohhhhh damn. i was like nooooo come back. CATCH MY BUS. lol. come back my nasty 20 something girl!!

ok then i saw another okay asian girl.. with a tattoo on the small of her back. nyum nyum. but she was basically pretty covered. compared to nasty girl. lol. compared to nasty girl a bloody prostitute is well covered. HOHOHO.

okay enough of the perverty adventures of sir nicholas.

must go and write another chinese essay. good night all. happy studying for 4 day weekend =]

Monday, October 24, 2005

STOLEN!! ...off peters blog lol

1. Copy and Paste in your blog
2. BOLD anything true
3. Leave plain anything untrue

001. I miss somebody right now.
002. I watch more Television than I used to.
003. I love olives.
004. I love sleeping.
005. I own lots of books.
006. I wear glasses or contact lenses.
007. I LIKE to play video games
008. I’ve tried marijuana
012. I believe honesty is the best policy.
013. I have acne free skin.
014. I like and respect Michael Jackson. (as a musician)
015. I curse frequently. in my mind hohoho
016. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year. possibly
017. I have a hobby.
019. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me. wtf hardcore gangster mofo bullshit ma dizzle
020. I've never broken anyone else's bones. does a nose count? i hit a guy in the nose with my umbrella once in gr 4.. bastard deserved it LOLOL people actually came up and congratulated me after =]
022. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal. if i love you you shall know my secrets.
023. I love rain. how very romantic. nick = die hard romantic
024. I’m paranoid at times.
025. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
026. I need money right now. as usual.
027. I love sushi.
028. I talk really, really fast sometimes. sometimes so fast i blur things together. but people still get me. hohoho
030. I have semi-long hair. HAHAH i did. bang bang azn mushroom
031. I have lost money at a casino.
032. I have at least one brother and/or sister. one older sister one younger
033. I was born in a country outside Australia. oh yeah go nz
034. I shave my legs. wtf you metro homo emo bastard.
035. I have a twin. yeah tien!! we look so alike its unbelievable. lol
037. I couldn’t survive without Caller I.D. i do.
038. I like the way I look. at times.
039. I have lied to a good friend in the past 6 months. probably. little white lies i think. like *are you listening* *oh. yeh..*
040. I know how to do cornrows. i dont even know wtf a cornrow is
041. I am usually pessimistic. in the most delightfully sarcastic way
042. I have mood swings.

043. I think prostitution should be legalized. isnt it?
044. I think Britney Spears is pretty/hot. GAH IS THERE LIKE AN OPPOSITE OF BOLD? like NEGATIVE AGREE WITH THIS. shes gone all fat and hoey now.
045. I have cheated on a significant other.
046. I have a hidden talent.
047. I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
048. I think that I’m popular. no.
049. I am currently single.
050. I have kissed someone of the same sex. grandpa or father count?
052. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants. er no.
053. I love to shop. not really
054. I would rather shop than eat.
055. I would classify myself as ghetto. fo shizzle.
056. I’m bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders. HAHAH my dad used to tell me it was something *high class* people do. and i was like no dad its what poofters do.
057. I’m obsessed with my blog! on occasions yes.
058. I don’t hate anyone. not true.
059. I’m a pretty good dancer. haha sif
060. I don’t think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington. ps I DONT CARE
061. I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother. noooo im not.
062. I have a mobile phone.
063. I watch MTV on a daily basis.
065. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
067. I have been in a real relationship before.
guess not.
068. I’ve rejected someone before. maybe..

069. I currently have a crush on someone. nope
070. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. kinda
071. I want to have children in the future. YES. BOY AND GIRL. someone help me pick their chinese names!!
072. I have changed a diaper before.
073. I’ve had the cops called on me before

haha okay well that took up about 20 minutes. shite. sweet dreams all.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

LOLOL prime minister of cambodia for those of you who dont know. ps no one likes the bastard. nigga PLEASE

Friday, October 21, 2005


i havent been on the net all week. ALL WEEK. WOW. and therefore havent blogged in a week or so. not since last saturday i believe? i kinda forgot the stuff that happened this week anyway. tuition. sore neck. free dress on thursday. also my sisters bday that day. gave her 20 bucks in an ang bao (haha what a fob i am) and a card (from fob shop lol).

my mum called my sisters friend a horse. BAHAHA.
*mother looking at photos of birthday party*

whos THAT girl? ohhh.. her. oh another one. shes pretty. everyone said she was pretty. whats her name? ohh okay.

next photo



asian parents are so direct and hilarious.

what else. ummmmmmmmmmmm errrrrrrrrr. yr 12s last day on tuesday. doesnt it make you feel sad? thats gonna be US next year. omggggg. can you imagine? 6 years of friendships. you bond closest to your high school friends. think i said that somewhere before. like primary school is more like okay lets play together youre my friend. now i hate you cause you have a new hat. okay now your my friend again lets play. but high school is different. you go through so much together. sigh. depressing thougt isnt it? of course youll stay in contact with some people.. but what about all the others? like theyre not really CLOSE but theyre still good friends? aiyah. its just emotions. taking me over. caught up in sorrow. lost in the songgggggg. lol.

AND lastly i was so bloody pissed off with my english teacher today. omfg. why does she have to be so freakin conservative and correct? so me and steph missed out on our sac because of our chinese oral exam last friday. and we ask if we can do it in class today. cause todays our double. and were not really doing anything that important anyway. and the teacher just goes all uncomfortable-looking and says
*ohh you have to re schedule another time with mr imam*
*.. if i do it for you i have to do it for everyone.. *
*... and i didnt bring the questions with me so you cant do it.*

omg i was so frustrated with her. when we went to see mr imam he was wondering why we couldnt do it in our double. SEE? EVEN MR IMAM AGREES WITH US YOU COW. gahh okay. so now i have to sacrifice my free double period on tuesday to do it. GRRRRRRRR. FCK YOU.

speaking of mr imam.. reminds me of the yr 12 final assembly on tuesday. funny stuff hahaha. *the apprentice* style stuff with co ordinators having to make impressions of mr schiller. and then they get fired by him if they suck balls. hahaha mr francis was really good. he even got mr schillers movements right. and his *yelling* style of speech giving. MR PENSO GOT A PIE IN THE FACE BAHAHAHA that was hilarious. and he was like wrapped in black garbage bags. looked like a clown in the rubbish bin. LOLOLOL. mr gray got booed while walking up to the stage. everyone else got cheered. mr gray got cheered by some by booed by all the boys up the back. HOW EMBARRASSING. he lost so much face man. so lucky his kids werent there.

anyway i think thats enough. maybe i wont blog for another week? oooh lord. so many assessments coming up. 3 math tests. 2 english sacs (could be 1 if i didnt have a constipated cow for a teacher). chem sac. then holiday monday. holiday cup day. school wednesday. last day thursday. tuition friday. study over weekend. study monday. THEN EXAMSSSSSSS OOOOOOOOOOMG. i am so afraid. 4 essays in 3 hours. stupid english.

good luck everyone!! happy studying and good night.

Friday, October 14, 2005

gah d day

so i was gonna blog about my chinese oral exam today. but now i cbf cause ive told everyone about it on msn so many times hahaha. all us chinese people yabbering about our examiners. i had quite nice ones. hope they think i was good. cause im black. hohoho. update tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

what am i thinking?

what is lord nicholas thinking now..?

well. my dad just yelled at my sister because she said something about a concert. and how something something blah blah blah.. and shes all upset about it and shit.. i think my dad was just tired and pissed for no reason. lol i get that from him. and apparently he was like *you always talk about dancing! what about school? look at your brother! why cant you work hard like him?*

oh dear. if only he knew how *hard* i work. meaning that many times i dont work hard. though i guess i do most of the time. kinda. and my sisters like *nick is always SLEEPING.*
dad: well its better to sleep so you have energy to WORK rather than going DANCING.
sister: i dunno what else they said cause i wasnt there.

sister later.. : im not nick! i cant be like nick! etc etc.

aww. i cant imagine what it feels like to be my sister. cause really my hobbies are like sleeping and.. nothing much else lol. and being compared to an older sibling all the time.. i guess its hard.

but sometimes i think that my sister doesnt know when the hell to shutup. like shes having a bday party on saturday. and so my mum takes her to go buy *decorations* (sif have decorations omg waste money cause you throw them away la) and my dad takes her to buy all sorts of junk food. plus birthday cake. plus other shit ohmylord shes so fussy. its only her 14th. not even THAT SIGNIFICANT. so i can understand how my parents get pissed. and when shes in an argument shell keep GOING. louder and louder dear lord its so annoying. i would have just shutup and walked away. i learned that aaaaaaaaaaages ago when i was like 9. NINE. shes 14 and still dont get it. aiyah.

but that lead to me not talking to my dad very much. but hey. it saves my face. i dont get yelled at if i dont argue. so its all good. today my mum asked me to take the rubbish out and i got pissed at her lol. sometimes i just feel like my parents should make an effort to talk to me as little as possible. then id be happy. sometimes im not angry but i just dont want ANYONE to talk to me. except maybe a friend. but not parents. definitely not. i just end up yelling at them and then i get told off *why are you yelling at me? non respecting child* lol. and i just shutup and walk away.

walking away solves it all.

anyway. CHINESE ORAL THIS FRIDAY OMFG. taking half a day off tomorrow. coming home at lunchtime to start revising all my conversation notes. ill end up spending about 8-10 hrs on it i think. HAHAHA i hope. pleeeeeeeeeeease i hope its nice and easy and straightforward.

okay. off to study soon. and pray reallllllllly realllllllllllly harddddddddddddd.


Saturday, October 08, 2005

oh. really?

was tuesday really the last time i blogged? goodness me its spc. that was a little while ago now wasnt it? i cant really remember everything that happened from then until now. well. i just remember last night till today.

last night was friday night. and. i went. to the city. arts centre. playhouse. to watch. CAMBODIAN DANCINGGGGG woohooooooooooo. lakhon kaol is awesome. masked dancers and stuff. yes so many things to say about it but i feel so lazy so i cbf. awesome costumes. and the music awakens your SOUL. makes me want to learn. then i get to wear that sexy cambo outfit. oooh yeah white collar jacket and chong kben. sexyyyyy.

yeah ok. heaps of cambos there last night. like all these people we knew lol. and heaps of white people too. good exposure of culture. and there were these three people who stood up down the front at the end to give the people a standing ovation. but no one else stood up. HAHAHAH so then they sat down. and these people were like all isolated. as in they were in different places in the audience. so its just three randoms standing up. then clapping and feeling awkard. then sitting down again. hahaha. but im glad they liked it. OOH SENIOR CULTURAL ADVISOR OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT FOR THE PRODUCTION WAS HIS EXCELLENCY CHHEM HIM. my dads cousin. oh yeah connections.

yes randomnesssssss. and i saw my lady emily!! hello dear. hahah juob knea at last. what interesting connections we have with each other.

lady emily: which ones your mum?
lord nicholas: umm.. see that lady over there? with the orange bag.
lady emily: ohhhhhhhhh.
lord nicholas: yeah. the lady next to her.


yes. and today this old grandma.. ok maybe about 60-65? about my grandmas age.. yeah cambo chinese granny came in to pharmacy wanting to buy some stuff to take to america with her. and shes like *which one can i take so that i wont get drunk? he he he* and i was like BAHAHAH omg. this granny knows how to party hard. and then my boss starts recommending stuff to her. HAHAHA what you do is you take aspirin first. then take Alcodol which is like a tablet for hangovers. you take that BEFORE you drink and supposedly the next morning you wont have a hangover. that was quite an interesting insight. my grandma learnt to drink beer after coming back from china couple years back. hohoho the drunken grandparents of cambodia. charming.

alright that shall do. i dunno what else to say. oh.

nick: did you go to see the lakhon at the arts centre, cheng?
cheng: i heard people talk about it.. but i didnt know where it was.
nick: oh.. in the city!
cheng: yeah.. for me its ok.. i might go to watch.. but my husband not interested. he just likes the singing girls from cambodia HEEHEEHEE only the pretty girl.

hahaha chengs funny. she misses cambodia.. aww. she said it feels more like having a holiday in australia than living here.. homesick. everyone suffers. she said it was good to be 17 and a student like me.. *no care about anything* and i was thinking.. maybe it isnt so bad after all. maybe.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


i felt so frustrated before i just wanted to yell at everyone for no reason. that happens kinda often. just wanted to yell and scream and punch something. but im okay now. lol

doing bio sac essay thing. only supposed to be 800 words but im on 900 and kinda not nearly finished. sif doyle counts anyway. hes so shit at maths. may i remind you all of the time he gave me 10 marks less than what i should have got on my mid year exam. pfft. anyway

CHINESE ORAL NEXT FRIDAY OMFG. must memorise. everything. there are 54678 characters in the biggest chinese dictionary on earth. wu wan si qian liu bai qi shi ba ge! haha okay. what else. omg dogs are also following me everywhere.

yesterday i saw this little plastic toy dog that fell off a keychain or something on the stairss. so naturally i picked it up being the pov cambo i am. and everyone saw me with it and they were like YOU PICKED IT UP. FROM THE STAIRS. WE ALL SAW IT AND WE DIDNT PICK IT UP. and then i was giving it to carol and she gave it back to me. so we ended up in chem still with the dog (cute asian style dog thing) and i think we ended up leaving it in there. hahaha. and THEN. TODAY. I SAW ANOTHER DOG ON THE GROUND. a soft toy one. it was bigger. and i was like OMG CAROL LOOK. THEYRE OUT TO GET MEE.

and THEN after school we were walking around and ON THE ROAD. in front of (which bank? haha) THERE WAS ANOTHER ONE. ANOTHER SOFT TOY DOG. omgggggg. and carol was there too. carol? hmmmmm. jk.

in other news.. fobs getting drunk is fckn hilarious. a certain fob. like CHINA fob. like omg-so-unbelievably-well-trained-by-the-communists-super-freaky-maths-genius-first-language-chinese-esl FOB drinking VODKA. ALONE. IN JELLS PARK. TO CELEBRATE. BAHAHAHAHAH. after his/her chinese oral exam yesterday, he/she was so happy he/she went down to jells park armed with 200ml of vodka. and celebrated by drinking it all. alone. tee hee. i can imagine him/her swaying around on the playground with the bottle in one hand.. singing the chinese anthem. omg. chinas funniest home videos.

ok must get back to work. 4 weeks till the end of yr 11. then exams. shite shite shite. lord have mercy.

good night all.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

what is my sexual style?

You scored as Shy. You are shy, cute...but shy. There are a lot of people that find you attractive but you just aren't sure what to do.

















What is your sexual style?
created with QuizFarm.com

ahaha aww.. im soft shy and sweet!! POOFTER. bahaha

31% hot. oooh. and more wet than exciting. oh lord.

happy birthday

...to my dear mother. yes today was her birthday and she forgot until like 2 days ago. ahahah.. just another day. anyway. just came back from dinner at oggis. pretty good italian food i guess. heaps of people. us being the only asians in the whole place hahaha.. bit of a change from when were in chinese restaurants.. but then i guess were like the only dark people there lol.

actually it was kinda like when we were in this chinese restaurant out in the country where there were all white people eating chinese with knives and forks. and we were the only asians sitting in the middle of the place. that was just a little too weird for me. and THE FOOD SMELLED LIKE ASS. it wasnt good. and they had chips at the buffet? oh yessa. aw-sen-tik chai-nees-ah food! FLIED POHTATOHS.

there were these two people - man and woman - sitting next to us on the other table and the guy was such a bogan. he was so freakin loud. like YEAH IM GONNA HAVE YOUR ARSE ON THE DANCE FLOOR IN A COUPLE HOURS. then 5 seconds later he was talking about some random topic - YEAH ROBBIE WILLIAMS IS GOOD CAUSE HES LIKE DIFFERENT FROM OTHER PEOPLE. and im thinking wtf shutup bogan. and my mums like *he's soh rood!* lol.

my mum said something about me *watching my figure* and im like oh lord. cause ive been eating more healthily of late. staying away from oil and fat and junk. and my dads like *youre not fat!* and im like *yeah... hm. BUT I WAS fatt(er)!!*

dad: no you werent!

and everyone laughs at my boobies. lol. i dont know why im saying this but my grandpa used to grab my man boobs when i was a kid. BAHAHAHA. that was awful. guess he thought it was funny to have a pig for a grandson. COME HERE MY LITTLE PIGGY. LET ME FEED YOU SOME MORE FRIED GOODIES.

hahah okay. i guess thats it for today. forgot what happened at work. busy day though. very busy today. we ran out of baskets for prescriptions lol. had to use the big ones. ANYWAY

end of blog for today.

good night everyone.