=O ...it's HIM !!

nicks blog. random comments and stuff. enjoy =]

Friday, March 24, 2006

how romantic =]

this is the only other condom picture i took in cambodia. this one was in kampot as well. a lovely old faded billboard of a couple embracing inside a condom.. just lovely. it says: 'be careful of contracting aids...please use condoms'
just sooo poetic, isnt it?


this is a newer and more modern aids campaign called the OK campaign (actually i just named it that but go with me here). the sign says 'its not oh-keh if you dont have OK'

lolol i think its VERY CLEVER. everyone seems to know it.. even my dads friends were telling me like *its on tv! yeah! 'its not ok of you dont have ok!'* and i was like ooookaaay.

im mr sheen.. oh wait. i'm condom. mr.condom.

this lovely picture of a mr condom billboard was taken in the southern province of kampot. i love his shoes lol so fashionable =] the top part says 'for your health and happiness in relation to aids and sexually transmitted diseases..'
and then mr condom chimes in '...please use condoms!' yaaaaaaay


lolol saw this on a blog and i could not resist. this is JACKIE CHAN and his new sidekick CONDOM MAN!! who has stereotypical chinese eyes? haha anyway.. jackie chan is part of this campaign in cambodia (yeah thats the funny language you see at the bottom that you think looks like thai) to stop the spread of aids. there are lots of these community campaigns and above i have posted a few pictures that i took on my recent trip to the motherland. funny stuff =] i actually saw the tv ad with jackie chan in it here in australia of all places... it was this late night show about the un and the views youth around the world had about aids.. and jackies mouth was moving.. but a funny cambodian mans voice came out.

anyway. if youre wondering, the blue writing in cambodian says 'praeur srom anahmay krup pel velea dael neak roum phet'.

OH...haha that means 'use a condom everytime you roum phet' i think you know what roum phet is. its a nicer way of saying 'to do the sex' than 'joi' which im sure a lot of you naughty people would recognise as a khmer swear word. yeah and the red text says unite with each other in the battle against aids.

thank you jackie and condom man.

Friday, March 17, 2006

the bear and the rabbit

hahah i just read this joke on a random blog. maybe it wont be funny tomorrow.. cause when its late at night and youre tired everythings weird.. but right now i think its pretty hilarious =]

so there was this bear and a rabbit taking a dump next to each other in the middle of the forest.

bear: so like.. do you mind.. or like.. have problems with getting shit on your fur?

rabbit: nup.

bear: oh ok. *grabs the rabbit and uses it to wipe his ass*


Wednesday, March 15, 2006


.+[pRiNc3sS HuNniGrL]+. iM tiReD oB TrYiN, iM SiCk oB CrYiN, SuRe iM SmiLinG, BUh InSiDe iM DYING! mis2in sum1, STATUS: feel sho unlurved ZAK UR SHO GAY IM NOT HOT N DUNT PUT IT ON UR NIK! :P DUN MAK OTHA GUYZ CALL MI HOT ASWEO

oh lord do you know how much effort it took me to type that. my goodness if that isnt the most tb name i have seen in a very long while. PLEASE get over it. haha even though this person is a random on my list but ohmylord. its funny. but very sad at the same time. very very sad. but still funny =] i mean.. english is hard enough to learn with the he, she and the him and the her and the 'the' 'i' 'me' 'myself' and whatever else.. yEaRhz!! EnGRiSCh (yeah im a fobby tb) ISz hAhRd eNuFfz wiF0ut YoOh PpLz maKinz Up aWL diZs ExTwAh scHtUfFieZ!~! KaKakEkEkkeKEkEkeRshsZZ~~!!


Monday, March 13, 2006

the wonder that is chemistry

okay so had some family friends over for dinner the other night. we stayed at their hotel in cambodia which you will be able to see on my cambodia blog when i get it up and running lol. ive had to make four other blogs just to upload all the pictures on.. they stop you uploading when you get to a certain number cause they think youre a spammer or something. fair enough.

anyway the father of this family was a chemistry/physics (incl. nuclear physics. ohmylord) teacher in cambodia in the old days and used to work for the un in like ethiopia or something and yeah hes a smart guy. haha anyway he and my father like to talk. and drink. and eat. think they had about 2 bottles of wine between them that night.. haha yes they love it. flowing alcohol and stimulating intellectual conversation. yeah anyway they were like joking with each other about how he had to drive home and he was gonna get pulled over by the coppers and stuff and he was like

'do you have any lemons?'

and we're like yeah we got a whole tree out the back...why?

because alcohol and acid makes an ester and water.
said he to my father.

and i was just sitting there eating and i thought about it.. and i was like

alcohol and acid makes ester.. AND WATER OMG HES RIGHT

hahaha the wonders of chemistry huh?
who remembers that from organic chemistry last year?

alcohol + acid --> ester + water

ex. methanol + propanoic acid --> methyl propanoate + water

i think that was it.. alcohol comes first? anyway.. yeah chemistry makes sense. and it gets you out of lots of things. being smart lets you be above the law. lol

till we meet again

Saturday, March 11, 2006

happy birthday peteru

went to peters house last night for his bday party. good fun. watched movie that i got from cambodia but havent seen yet lol. but vincents version was better cause it was authentic and the subtitles made sense. LOL mine are a bit dodgy as i found out this morning. and if you choose canto they speak canto and then it changes to mando for a few minutes then back again and youre like wtf MANG. lol

pizza. that was all gone in like 10 mins. incredible. but there were quite a few people. haha what else.. umm MAH JONG!! oh yeahhhhhhh i was a mahjong virgin until last night. hahaha i had a taste. and iiii LIKED IT. get me a mahjong set and table for my bday XD and yeah thats all i can say for now. i asked my mum if they used to play it in cambodia and shes like yeah i think so.. that kind of stuff is addictive, said she. and im like YEAH and shes like 'but i didnt really like it.. i liked LOK LAK' and im like 'lok lak? you mean KLA KLOHK' and shes like haah yeah.

for those of you who dont know.. lok lak (or luc lac in viet) is like a beef and salad kinda dish. haha and kla klohk is a cool cambo gambling game. theres a mat with like 6 (or 9?) or so pictures on it - a lobster, a melon thing (thats the klohk).. should be a tiger (cause thats the kla) and other stuff and theres a die with all of the pictures on it too. so what happens is you make a bet on which picture will come up when the die is rolled and you win money =] in the old days there was a guy who owned a kla klohk set and he comes to temple and stuff at new years and you come up and say

'okay mang, 500 riel on KLOHK'

and you put your 500 note (relax, its like 10 aussie cents) on the picture of the melon thing.
man rolls die.
melon comes up.
he matches your 500 so you now have 1000 riel.
then you play again. change your preference or whatever.
if you lose he gets the money.


tsk tsk asians... such gambling addicts lol. but mah jong is cool.. very.. cool. makes you feel gangster hahaha

...DA PAI!!

Friday, March 03, 2006


good evening possums. from what I can gather from the numbers and letters on my screen I would say that I have not been to my little corner of the internet here for about 2 weeks. MYBLOODYGOODNESS. what has yr 12 done to us all? lol. working harder than last year definitely. perhaps you have been checking my blog here.. wondering what has been going on with my life? so, whats goin on nick? you may find yourself asking. or maybe that’s wishful thinking on my part. hahaha in any case..

working hard at English. because my teacher this year la.. he no love me like last year English teacher love me ah.. no full mark anymore. plus im competing with two English.. geniuses? geniii?...um. two people who are very excellently good at English. they kinda look the same lol. white pasty skin.. brown hair.. quiet.. hehehe.. those are the criteria for being good at English i suppose. I guess my essay writing reads like a fob trying to explain quantum physics to a monkey compared to theirs. damn.

yeah so what else has been happening? I don’t remember too much you see. I see lots of random things each day and I say ohmylord that shall go into my blog! and then I forget or I don’t blog and all these wonderful things fly into nowhere land. interesting concept isn’t it? NOWEHRE LAND. I wish I could visit. id see all the things I forgot. then id remember them. thatd be awesome. ooooooooh on another completely random note – MONIMONIMONKEI!!!! that monkey is so cool. I saw him on winnie’s diary and I was like RANDOM FOB STUFF ! MONIMONIMONKEIIIIIIIIIIIIII lol. ‘we are enjoying our pleasant life with fruit.’ hahaha I love it.

more random things: poor little tubby year 7 curry boy who was late for his bus one day after school. aww. he just kinda.. quickly waddled past me and winnie and he had this lost, puffed out look on his face. he was muttering *its too late! oh no. GASP. its too late!* and he stared into winnies eyes for a sec.. like she could help him or something. hahah all the while panting. wheeeeeeeze. poor boy. too many samosas and roti paratha for him. his mummy must have been wery wery vorried.

another: I wont say who.. but a dear friend of mine made me laugh so much this week when she told me that she just learned albinos are a ‘type’ of person. she thought they were from like.. a country. LOLOL aww that’s cute. like maybe she thought.. Albania? hahahahaahha hilarious. someone said albinos are like that because ‘their parents are incested’ LOL that’s ridiculous. everyone knows its because their mum drinks too much milk. =D

what else. was sick for like a day or so this week. cold. garh. vitamin c tablets are very good. cured me in like a day.. but that day I was like walking around school like uhhhhhhhhhh and everyones like whats wrong nick? and im like nothing. and they kept going and I was thinking like omg leave me alone please. but yeah im sorry to everyone for that. I was sick.. so I wasn’t my usual hornily/joke making/random self. sorry. but yes another random thing that just popped ..not pooped as I just mistyped.. into my head is bakers delight.

nicks verdict: baker’s delight fruit scones are the fckn BOMB. as are their custard scrolls for those who like custard. but ohmylord do I love their fruit scones. full of butter though. bad. but tasty. good. and cheap. also good. yeah… talking of scones.. do you say *skons* or *skones* ? the first one is an ‘o’ sound like in ‘got’ and the second is like in ‘phone’. I bet most of you say skon. americans say skone. but which is correct? is skon maybe just some English dialect thing that aussies picked up? is it ACTUALLY skone? if my school offered English language I would so have taken it because this is the sort of stuff you talk about. FCKN MARVELLOUS. I love it. but noo fckn school sif not offer fckn English language fckers. GARH.

one last thing to round off a randomly linked together blog. I went from English to monkeys to fat little currys, albinos, my cold, bakers delight, fruit scones and the English language and now I shall link that (cause its to do with school) to SCHOOL CAPTAINSHIP. congratulations to SANDRA LEE and ASHRAY GUNJUR who are this years vice school captains. congratulations also to mark and genna who are the actual school captains. they are in small writing because they are white people. LOLOL. I voted for ashray and sandra yes. Sandra was the only asian – boys and girls – to stand for the position so I think she got the majority asian vote. ahha and they say multiculturalism doesnt work. ashray was one of many currys to go for it but he was probably the most ‘trustworthy’ or perhaps the safest option I guess you could say. genna and mark.. I dunno. don’t know too much about them aussies you see. we all get along.. we just don’t hang around each other. lol. anyway congratulations to them and praise the lord we got some Asians as our leaders haha JK actually not.

okay I think that made up for 2 weeks of no blog. its now past 12 midnight. good morning all. and sweet dreams.